About Me:

Welcome to Emma's Cup of Coffee!!!

Welcome to my world! I am a 31 year old college softball pitching coach.  I have been married for 9 years to a guy that is honestly one of my best friends! I am a mom to four adorable four legged individuals that I love most days and some I just make them play in the yard alone! I am a hopeless animal lover, and have a rescue pup myself. I am into anything and everything! Nothing makes me happier than to change something around! I love to work in the landscape with power tools, pink tool belt, and dirty hands, after making curtains myself to add to the house decor, and on the weekends I like to do anything with adrenaline.  I decided to start my blog to share all the craziness I am able to come up with in the off season of coaching. Thanks for stopping my and sharing my new adventure. Let us see where this takes us! :)

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